Early summer 2022

Marys Yard Yarns

Those who read my monthly blogs will be perturbed about the absence of May, I was so busy blowing the cobwebs away I clean forgot to do any writing. Apologies to you all, but I am getting organised and sorting out life and promise to do better going forwards.

Over the last few months I have been busy as I have spent time organising my mother for her move to care, and it has made me reflect on life. We have one life, live it well and keep enjoying to the full as long as your body and spirit allows.

We have been watching our swans avidly, but at the date of writing still no cygnets and they are still diligently looking after the 8 eggs, so fingers crossed that some will appear soon.

In the spirt of blowing my own cobwebs away and living life to the full, last week my friend Justine and I took ourselves off for a 2 day introduction to sailing course, at Eastwood Whelpton on the Upton Dyke, only a 40 minute drive away.

We had the best time, and, so far, we have not capsized but we have run aground on the bank once or twice - most the fault of the wind you understand and nothing to do with our knowledge base. High praise to our instructor Andrew who was very patient and calm (mostly), and when we expressed a desire to return in September to move to the next level, he didn’t look too alarmed. We came away with RYA1 start sailing and a sense of achievement. We both are keen to do more sailing and learn more and are refreshed because, for once, we were sailing and not watching our sons learn to sail (at the moment they are definitely the better sailors, but with time, who knows).

Taking timeout on the water, is a great way to rebalance and regroup, creating memories through shared experiences that become your stories to pass on. We have a great story about a lady named Barbara who we met for maybe 3 minutes, but its a great tale over a sundowner. Treating yourself to an experience or a stay at Hippersons is treating everyone you care about, as they will see your smiles, hear your laughter and share your tales of your very own Barbara (ask me more about her next time you see me).

Look forward to meeting you soon bringing the river to life