April 2022

April when we Explore the Unexplored

April is a month full of showers, and sings of spring appear everywhere, we are seeing crocuses and daffodils bloom around the yard, and the buds are appearing on the leaves. This month I have heard the kingfishers singing morning greetings, and when I peek through the portholes I see kingfishers sitting on branches.

April is known for the showers though, regardless of where you are in the country. During the month of April, a band of strong winds, known as the jet stream, moves northwards. The band changes the air pressure and leads to an explosion of cumulus clouds — the type of clouds that create rain showers. I found this poem about April showers, and it sums up why we need the showers to bring the beauty of nature for the season

April Showers by Mary E Wilkin

There fell an April shower, one night:
Next morning, in the garden-bed,
The crocuses stood straight and gold:
"And they have come," the children said.

There fell an April shower, one night:
Next morning, thro' the woodland spread
The Mayflowers, pink and sweet as youth:
"And they are come," the children said.

There fell an April shower, one night:
Next morning, sweetly, overhead,
The blue-birds sung, the blue-birds sung:

"And they have come," the children said

There is still lots of exploring to be done in April, and all our dayboats have canopies on them, which you can snuggle under to take shelter from any shower that may occur/ As April continues the weather changes and you may find yourself out on a day where you want the canopy down so you can breathe deeply on the clean air and smell the wonderful smell of flowers beginning to bloom. Whichever you do, there is plenty to see. www.hippersons.co.uk/explore. To warm up afterwards you can always book a pizza dinner at the Royal oak, http://www.oakfired.co.uk which is just a 5 minute walk from the yard.

We know Spring is coming, as this week our swans have nested and they already have two eggs, I cant wait to watch the progress of the new swan family.