I acknowledge that:

1. I have received  instruction  in  the  handling  of  our  boat / man  overboard / notice  to  mariners / bye laws / speed limits / hazards / shallow  water / swing bridges / tidal flows / commercial traffic / fire extinguishers.  

2. There is a lifebuoy on board.

3. The boat is in good working order.

4. Buoyancy  aids  have  been  issued  for  all  crew  members  and  fitted  to  a  competent  crew  member  and I  have  been  instructed on  their  use.

5. The crew will not travel on the fore decks or side decks.

6. I will not take any additional passengers on the boat above the crew number I booked

7. I will return the boat at agreed time (16.45 for day hire) in good condition, otherwise I will pay a surcharge.

8. The driver of the boat will be under the legal limit for alcohol

9. We reserve the right to charge a deposit, enter amount here ___________________

10. Alcohol will not be taken or consumed on board the boat